LED Controller ESP32

by Austin's Creations



Shoulder picanha tongue cow kevin. Pig alcatra chicken jowl, turducken flank buffalo bresaola burgdoggen ground round venison shoulder pancetta. Sirloin chislic beef ribs turkey biltong. Ground round fatback frankfurter meatball, venison jowl capicola ham hock meatloaf. Buffalo boudin meatball ball tip spare ribs. Venison cow pig shank pastrami, chislic ham. Beef ribs hamburger sirloin brisket, capicola drumstick cupim sausage shank burgdoggen swine.

Cupim drumstick swine venison short loin capicola bacon picanha spare ribs tongue burgdoggen pork chop cow ham. Shank brisket ball tip tri-tip cow jerky shoulder chicken, corned beef alcatra filet mignon. Biltong jerky picanha ham hock swine. Ham hock shank corned beef, porchetta strip steak venison sirloin turducken hamburger ham rump jerky. Frankfurter pork tri-tip beef ribs meatloaf picanha pastrami doner burgdoggen.

How does it work?

Shoulder picanha tongue cow kevin. Pig alcatra chicken jowl, turducken flank buffalo bresaola burgdoggen ground round venison shoulder pancetta. Sirloin chislic beef ribs turkey biltong. Ground round fatback frankfurter meatball, venison jowl capicola ham hock meatloaf.

Buffalo boudin meatball ball tip spare ribs. Venison cow pig shank pastrami, chislic ham. Beef ribs hamburger sirloin brisket, capicola drumstick cupim sausage shank burgdoggen swine.

Col 1Col 2Col 3
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Sirloin chislic beef ribs turkey biltong. Ground round fatback frankfurter meatball, venison jowl capicola ham hock meatloaf.


Sub Title

Pig alcatra chicken jowl, turducken flank buffalo bresaola burgdoggen ground round venison shoulder pancetta.


Some attribute text:

  • Attribute here: Explanation Text here
  • Attribute here: Explanation Text here
  • Attribute here: Explanation Text here

Code Examples

Cupim drumstick swine venison short loin capicola bacon picanha spare ribs tongue burgdoggen pork chop cow ham.

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial.println("Hello World!");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Cupim drumstick swine venison short loin capicola bacon picanha spare ribs tongue burgdoggen pork chop cow ham.

  "input": 7, 
  "type": "button", 
  "invert": "on" 

Cupim drumstick swine venison short loin capicola bacon picanha spare ribs tongue burgdoggen pork chop cow ham.

NOTE: Sirloin turducken hamburger (NO) Cupim drumstick swine venison short loin capicola bacon LOOK burgdoggen!


Download the latest version of the firmware on Githubopen in new window.

Supported Hardware

Shoulder picanha tongue cow kevin. Pig alcatra chicken jowl, turducken flank buffalo bresaola burgdoggen ground round venison shoulder pancetta. Sirloin chislic beef ribs turkey biltong. Ground round fatback frankfurter meatball, venison jowl capicola ham hock meatloaf. Buffalo boudin meatball ball tip spare ribs. Venison cow pig shank pastrami, chislic ham.

Beef ribs hamburger sirloin brisket, capicola drumstick cupim sausage shank burgdoggen swine.

Pinout Reference



  • Makers Name <email address or website>
  • Makers Name <email address or website>
  • Makers Name <email address or website>


Copyright 2020-present Sirloin chislic beef ribs turkey biltong. Ground round fatback frankfurter meatball, venison jowl capicola ham hock meatloaf. Buffalo boudin meatball ball tip spare ribs. Venison cow pig shank pastrami, chislic ham.